Thursday, June 4, 2009

Life and Blessings

Many of you know that my other blog is very much politically charged. I set out for it to be a blog about everything, but then I titled it "Like it Is". So every time that I have something political on my mind, I feel the need to tell it like it is. I feel that I have a duty as an American to call it like I see it, and to tell it like it is. This is fine and all but I'm not keeping everyone informed on the most important things that are going on in mine and my family's world. I set out to do that, and have failed. Sure there's the Garden post, but that's extremely small amidst all of the changes and blessings that we have had over the past year plus. I will keep telling it "Like it Is", but I would also like for you all to know how God has been working in our lives. I want for you all to know how adorable Matthew is, and how much he develops into this smart and charming young boy every day. I want you to know how God has blessed Patti with the ability of being the best Wife and Mother that a Family could have. I want to start sharing with all of you how the pregnancy of our coming daughter is going. I would like for you all who are close to us to be able to feel as if you are included in all of these wonderful blessings in life. So here goes blog #2! I hope you all enjoy sharing our lives, lessons, and blessings!